About Us
Since 1993, the TIM Academy has provided training and consultative services for professionals working with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Our curriculum is based on current research, proven practices and the real world strategies used at The Timothy School, a renowned private day school for students with autism. Workshop participants leave with a better understanding of how students with autism understand the world as well as practical ways to increase learning and build social skills.
Our trainings are designed for special education and regular classroom teachers, administrators, social workers, home health care workers, therapists and parents. Workshops are led by Academy Director Wendy Moran, who has 30+ years in autism education, training and home and community routines, and other TIM faculty members,
all with special education classroom experience. We also provide on-site staff development programs and one-on-one consultations throughout the mid-Atlantic region (and elsewhere by special request).
The TIM Academy/Timothy School is a professional education provider approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Workshop “graduates” receive Act 48 credit hours.
For more information, contact (610) 725-0755..
About The Timothy School
Established in 1966, The Timothy School in Berwyn, PA is an approved non-profit private day school focused solely on the needs of children with autism. Classes are highly specialized to meet the needs of each student, focusing on cognitive, motor, communication and social development. Visit www.timothyschool.com.